These days are 55 years since the Third Macedonian Church-People's Assembly was held (July 17-19, 1967).
During the assembly, the historic decision was made to declare the autocephaly of the MOC, an act that happened after 200 years since the non-canonical abolition of the Ohrid archdiocese in 1767.
The autocephalous status was joyfully accepted by Macedonian believers in the country and abroad, after which a new stage of development of church life began.
On July 18, 1967 in Ohrid, in the "Holy Mother of God-Perivlepta" temple, the Holy Synod of Hierarchs (HSH) of the MOC, in accordance with the request of the faithful people, made the decision to declare autocephaly, a historic decision, which was accepted by all members of the Third Macedonian Church-People Assembly, which was held exactly 55 years ago, from July 17 to 19, 1967.
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