July 1st will mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of the educator, people’s teacher and abbot of Leshok, Kiril Pejcinovic - Tetoec.
The event is organized by the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), and will be held in front of the plateau of the new administrative building of the Museum of Tetovo area, the building known as the former Army House in Tetovo starting at 20:30.
His character and work remain permanently engraved in the memory of the Macedonian people from the Tetovo area, where this great people’s figure comes from. Expressing respect and gratitude to the great personalities of our glorious past, as a nation we justify and deserve the future appearance of such new individuals who leave lasting values. The appropriate program will reach everyone who will be present, we will have the opportunity to remember the colossal work of the educator and together to express our respect, informs Darijan Sotirovski, director of the CRRCG.
An exhibition of selected portraits, works of the great academic painter Pavle Kuzmanovski, will be set up as part of the celebration, which will be opened immediately after the ceremony. The event will be held in accordance with the valid coronavirus protection recommendations issued by the health authorities for open and closed space.
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