At the request of the media, the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups presented its position regarding the conducted population census
The results of the conducted population census in the part for religious affiliation of the citizens do not correspond to the real religious map, and this is conditioned by two factors, namely the percentage of 13.21% declared as Christians, which is a religious affiliation, and incorporates religion through denominations, as well as the percentage of 7.2 of citizens for which detailed census information is not entered. This situation will leave a vague formal impression of the religious map in the country, although we appreciate that in the area of Orthodox Christians on the ground there has been no reduction in the percentage representation. It will also be unclear that in the Single Court Register we have 42 registered religious entities, which belong to different religions, and in the results we do not have their proper representation.
The State Statistical Office has adopted a methodology in accordance with democratic principles and standards, which provides for a declaration of affiliation in the free field, and not a choice of options offered, and the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups was not consulted about it in the period before of the census.
Inadequacy of the results is an issue that deserves analysis by experts, but certainly reasons should be sought in the methodology, uneducated enumerators and enumerated prersons, as well as the policy of boycott.
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