CRRCG informs the public that today the special monographic edition "Historical visit of the Holy Father - the first Macedonian welcome for Pope Francis" was published.
The Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG) informs the public that today the special monographic edition "Historical visit of the Holy Father - the first Macedonian welcome for Pope Francis" was published. The monograph is ready to eternalize one of the most remarkable and unique events that took place in our country, the visit of Pope Francis, which took place in 2019, which in terms of organizational and security aspects, as well as cultural and religious significance remains one of the largest visits of a foreign statesman to our capital.
The first issue was handed over by the Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski to the Bishop of Skopje and Eparch of Strumica and Skopje Monsignor Kiro Stojanov, who expressed satisfaction with the creation of a long-lasting form in which our collective memories are translated.
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