International Summit on Religious Freedom in Washington, USA
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), Mr. Darian Sotirovski, is participating in the prestigious International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, USA, which unites the leading authorities from the world who advocate respect and protection of inviolable religious freedoms and rights, for dialogue, cooperation and development.
Director Sotirovski had the honor to address the plenary session of the Summit, where he referred to the Macedonian model of relations with churches and religious communities, the results achieved by the Commission and the set goals, while presenting the favorable situation, as well as the great historical progress in the Macedonian church issue, the recognition and entry into canonical unity of the MOC-OA with other Orthodox churches, as well as the constructive cooperation with the Catholic Church, the Islamic religious community, the Jewish community and the Protestant churches.
The director especially emphasized that the democratic world must have a serious approach on the increasingly frequent occurrence of religious radicalism, which especially penetrates under the veil of guaranteed human rights and freedoms.
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