The Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, attended the jubilee celebration in Ohrid on the occasion of 70 years since birth and 40 years of hierarchical service in the MOC-OA of the Metropolitan Timotej.
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG) Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, on October 3, 2021 attended the Holy Liturgy in the Cathedral "St. Sophia" in Ohrid on the occasion of the holiday of the Assumption of All Macedonian Saints. After the Liturgy with a special ceremony were celebrated the jubilees: 70 years since the birth and 40 years of hierarchical service in the MOC-OA of the Metropolitan of Plaoshnik and Struga, Debar and Kichevo and Administrator of Australia-Sydney Mr. Timotej.
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