The Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, laid fresh flowers in honor of the 78th anniversary of the remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust.
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG) Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, on March 11, 2021 on the occasion of the Commemorative Day for the Deportation of Macedonian Jews laid fresh flowers in honor of the 78th anniversary of the Holocaust on 7144 Macedonian Jews from the period of the fascist occupation of Macedonia.
On this commemorative day, we remember the most monstrous episode in the history of mankind, feeling the great emptiness that exists due to the decades-long absence of many of our fellow citizens of the Jewish community, an emptiness that was created by terror.
We remember, never to be repeated.
Eternal memory of the dead!
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