The Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski on the occasion of the Easter holiday sent a congratulations telegram to the Bishop of Skopje and the Eparch of Strumica-Skopje Msgr. Kiro Stojanov, to the clergy and monasticism and to the believers of the Catholic Church.
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), Mr. Darijan Sotirovski sent a congratulations telegram to His Eminence the Bishop of Skopje and the Eparch of Strumica-Skopje Msgr. Kiro Stojanov, to the clergy and monasticism and to the believers of the Catholic Church congratulating them on the feast of the Resurrection of Christ - Easter.
On my behalf and on behalf of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups, allow me, to the entire Catholic clergy and all believers of the Catholic faith, to send you cordial congratulations on the occasion of the greatest Christian holiday - Easter.
In the time we live in today, we must all remember the greatest message of this holiday - love. The world needs love now more than ever, because it is the greatest medicine we can use to overcome all diseases. It is increasingly difficult to love everyone equally today, but love is a force that always wins. It was love who defeated evil on the cross, forgiving the enemies, doing good to everyone.
I wish you to spend the feast of Christ's Resurrection in peace and good health together with your loved ones filled with love and mutual respect.
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