The Director of CRRCG Mr. Darijan Sotirovski sent a congratulations telegram to the Head of the Islamic Religious Community Reis ul Ulema Haji hfz. Shakir Efendi Fetahu, to the members of the Riyasat, to the Muftis and to all believers of the Islamic faith on the occasion of the beginning of Ramadan fasting.
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG) Mr. Darijan Sotirovski sent a congratulations telegram to the Head of the Islamic Religious Community Reis ul Ulema Haji hfz. Shakir Efendi Fetahu, to the members of the Riyasat, to the Muftis and to all believers of the Islamic faith, wishing them an easy Ramadan fast.
The great fast of Ramadan is always a time for personal inner cleansing, a time for peace, an insight into one's nature and faith, but also a time for solidarity and humanity.
Let me congratulate you on the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan with sincere wishes for easy fasting days, as well as for carefree days filled with health in your families.
Unfortunately, the virus is still an obvious enemy of our traditional manifestations, the pandemic takes the lives of many of our fellow citizens every day. In such circumstances, it is important to protect ourselves and the lives of others. Therefore, avoiding gatherings and respecting the measures during these holidays will be a significant contribution to stabilizing the pandemic situation.
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