The Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, sent a congratulations telegram to the Head of the Islamic Religious Community, Reis ul Ulema Haji Hfz. Shakir Efendi FetaI, to the members of the Riyasat, to the Muftis and to all the believers of the Islamic religion on the occasion of the feast of Ramadan Bajram.
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Religious Groups (KOVZRG) Mr. Darijan Sotirovski sent a telegram of congratulations to the Head of the Islamic Religious Community Reis ul Ulema Haji hfz. Shakir Efendi Fetai, to the members of the Riyasat, to the Muftis and to all the believers of the Islamic religion, congratulating them on the holiday of Ramadan Bajram.
Every spiritual sacrifice bears the fruits of spiritual growth and maturation. The month of Ramadan is exactly such a period in which the believer grows spiritually and matures, voluntarily giving up abundance, giving to those who do not have it, returning to the circle of the family where man realizes his true nature and value.
Today, when you celebrate the great holiday of Ramadan Bajram, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups, I would like to send you sincere congratulations and wishes for peace, prosperity and joy in every home that celebrates today.
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