The Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, sent a congratulations telegram to the Head and members of the HSH of the MOC-OA, as well as to the clergy, monks and all believers on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ - Christmas
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, sent a congratulations telegram to the Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia and of Justiniana I, Mr. Mr. Stefan, to the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Macedonian Orthodox Church - Ohrid Archdiocese, as well as to the clergy, monks, believers from the Orthodox faith and to all Christians who celebrate according to the Julian calendar, congratulating them on the holiday of Christ's birth - Christmas.
Your Beatitude, Your Eminences,
Feeling the warmth, depth and meaning of the embodiment of God through Christ's birth in these sublime moments, I send you sincere congratulations reinforced by my honest wishes for peace, joy and much love in every heart that celebrates today, in every home that gathers today in community to celebrate the Nativity of Christ, the saving hope of the human race.
Christ is born!
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