Saturday / 12 March, 2022
On March 12, 2022 in the Cathedral "Sacred Heart of Jesus" in Sarajevo, the Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), Darijan Sotirovski, M.Sc., attended the enthronement of the Archbishop and Metropolitan of Vrhbosna , Msgr. Toma Vukshic. The Bishop of Skopje and the Eparch of Strumica - Skopje Msgr. Kiro Stojanov, also took part in this solemn moment.
On this occasion, the Director of CRRCG, Darijan Sotirovski, presented a terracotta icon to Archbishop Msgr. Tomo Vukshic.
The enthronement of the Archbishop and Metropolitan of Vrhbosna, Msgr. Toma Vukshic was attended by seven archbishops and 18 bishops, numerous priests, monks, nuns. Also present were philanthropists and representatives of various organizations, dignitaries from other religious communities as well as representatives of political, diplomatic and social life.
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