The Director of CRRCG Mr. Darijan Sotirovski had the first meeting with the newly elected President of ECRM, Mr. Pepo Levi
On February 7, 2022, the Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups received and had a protocol meeting with the newly elected President of the Jewish Religious Community, Mr. Pepo Levi.
At the meeting, the Director congratulated Mr. Levi on his mandate, wishing him to continue and deepen the successful work of ECRM, the flawless cooperation with state institutions and the contribution to interfaith understanding and respect in the country.
The President of ECRM informed about his plans and vision for further development of the community, which have a special contribution in the protection of the Macedonian state interest and the public good in our multicultural country.
The meeting reaffirmed the commitment to further open cooperation and partnership in dealing with all challenges.
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