The Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski attended the commemoration of the Macedonian educator Kiril Pejchinovikj in the Leshok Monastery.
On the occasion of 176 years since the repose of the revivalist and abbot of the Leshok monastery, Father Kiril Pejchinovikj Tetoec, today a memorial service was held by the Metropolitan of Tetovo and Gostivar Mr. Joseph.
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG) Mr. Darijan Sotirovski attended the commemoration, expressing the deep respect for the character and work of the Abbot Kiril, who left a deep mark in the national revival, but also the spiritual rise of the Macedonian people in the Polog region.
The Metropolitan reminded of the lessons and the example that Abbot Kiril has left, but also of their relevance today.
This year marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of this important revivalist, and on that occasion more events are planned for the summer period that will be realized in accordance with the conditions and protocols for protection against the virus.
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