The Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski was a guest in the show "Utrinski brifing" on Slobodna TV.
-Publishing is one of the segments to which we are committed on and we work in that direction. At the end of the year, all analytical work on the preparation of such materials is completed. These are free of charge editions that we deliver to all libraries. We also deliver them to the schools. We appreciate that this is a national interest.
- Archbishop Dositej as a restorer of the Ohrid Archbishopric - is a historical figure important in a national context. It also coincides with the state jubilee, 30 years of modern statehood.
- The last week of this month we will promote this monograph, and the one for the Pope next year when the Catholic holidays will pass, said in the morning briefing the director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), Darijan Sotirovski.
From what I know, I think that the arrival of the Pope is the biggest organized event in the country. In terms of its security aspect unattainable in the future, adds Sotirovski.
- The calendar year ends, so we summarize the problems, the issues. The situation is favorable. What has been achieved in an extremely difficult year - especially the rapprochement and dialogue that has been established in this calendar year between religious actors. Religious celebrations and celebrations are not our field of interest, we are here to pay tribute to all of them, adds Sotirovski.
Watch the whole conversation on the following video link: Sotirovski: I am happy with the rapprochement and dialogue that has been established this year between the religious actors
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