In the past, the famous Catholic Church in Skopje was located near today's Memorial House of Mother Teresa.
The religious chronicle of church life in Skopje notes that the first Catholic church in Skopje is mentioned in a document from 1550.
Catholic Church today has a richly developed religious life, and today's Cathedral "Sacred Heart of Jesus" is located in the central area of Skopje.
The famous Catholic church in the center of Skopje was in the past located near today's Memorial House of Mother Teresa, and was built in the 19th century. There was a rich religious and spiritual activity in it, as evidenced by the memories of Mother Teresa, the memories of her relatives and friends, as well as numerous photographs and documents.
The first Catholic church in Skopje is mentioned in a document dated July 20, 1550.
Today the Catholic Church has a richly developed religious life, and today's "Sacred Heart of Jesus" Cathedral is located in the central area of Skopje. This church is a cathedral and seat of the Diocese of Skopje under the Catholic Church. It is the center of the church life of the Catholic Church.
In 2019, the Skopje Cathedral was visited by the Holy Father Pope Francis.
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