The director of CRRCG was a guest in the debate show "360 stepeni" on Alsat TV.
(VIDEO) Reactions to Lev Tahor, the letter from the Patriarch Mr. Mг. Porphyry to the Archbishop Mr. Mr. Stefan, the statement of Metropolitan Mr. Agathangel…
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, on February 18, 2022, was a guest in the debate show "360 stepeni" on Alsat TV. In the interview, several current topics were discussed.
The interview of the Director in the show was followed by a debate with journalists and experts on topics of religion, Branko Gjorgevski and Marjan Nikolovski, as well as with the doctoral student from the University of Buckingham (UK), Andreja Bogdanovski.
Watch the whole conversation on the following video link: Watch the new debate edition of the show "360 stepeni" broadcast on February 18, 2022 on Alsat TV.
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