The Director of CRRCG, Mr. Darijan Sotirovski attended the Formal Celebration in the Leshok Monastery on the occasion of this year's great jubilees.
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, on June 21, 2021, on the second day of the Pentecost, attended the Celebration in the Leshok Monastery on the occasion of the great jubilees: 700 years since the renovation of the Old Monastery in Leshok and 250 years since the birth of the educator Kiril Tetoec, abbot of Leshok, both jubilees this year are solemnly honored by the Tetovo-Gostivar diocese.
The celebration began with the Holy Divine Liturgy led by the competent diocesan hierarch, Metropolitan of Tetovo and Gostivar Mr. Josif concelebrating with the Metropolitan of Europe Mr. Pimen and the Vicar Bishop of Stobi Mr. Jacov.
A commemoration ceremony took place at the eternal resting place of the hieromonk Cyril, Abbot of Leshok.
We wish the Leshok family even greater anniversaries and celebrations in the future!
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