The Director of CRRCG Mr. Darijan Sotirovski attended the liturgical celebration of the feast of St. Nicholas in Kumanovo and the litany procession
Kumanovo celebrated St. Nicholas with a mass litany procession from the Cathedral to the town square. Three bishops of the MOC-OA were present at the Metropolitan Cathedral "St. Nicholas".
The liturgy was officiated by the European Metropolitan Mr. Pimen together with the host Kumanovo-Osogovo Metropolitan Mr. Gregory and the Vicar Bishop of Stobi, Mr. Jacob.
After the liturgy for St. Nicholas, the believers organized a large litany from the cathedral to the town square, where the consecration of water was performed, and the bread was blessed and divided among the present.
The Director of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities and Groups (CRRCG), Mr. Darijan Sotirovski, also attended the liturgy and the litany.
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